Fish Roll Mushroom Sauce Recipe
750 gr fillet (boneless fish meat) snapper
25 gr butter for sauteing
100 gr onion rather finely chopped
75 g canned button mushrooms, drained, chopped
2 tablespoons flour PANIR
1 / 2 tsp pepper
1 eggs, beaten
1 tbsp cooking oil
50 gr onions, sliced thin crosswise
LBR 1 bay leaf
1 large celery stalk, cut crosswise
1 / 2 tablespoon black pepper grains
250 ml milk
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
3 tablespoons flour
300 ml of liquid milk
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
100 gr grated cheddar cheese
1. Cut the fish fillets 15 x 5 x 1 / 2 inches with a sharp knife, coat pepper, and salt until blended. Make broth: heat the oil, saute the onions, bay leaf, and celery until fragrant, put black pepper grains and water. Cook on low heat for 30 minutes, lift, strain. Set aside.
2. Dough contents: melt butter, saute chopped onion until softened. Enter the mushrooms, flour PANIR, salt and pepper, stir, lift, add eggs, mix well, set aside.
3. Take a piece of fish, give 1 tablespoon dough content on it, roll while on compact enough. Arrange fish rolls in a heat resistant dish that has been dioles margarine (the connection is under the fish so that is not open during baking)
4. Pour the broth, then cover with aluminum foil. Bake in oven at 160 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes until the fish cooked, remove from heat.
5. Make the sauce: heat the butter, put the flour, stir well, pour the milk, pepper and salt, cook until thick. Lift, put some grated cheese and stir well.
6. Pour sauce over grilled fish, sprinkle with remaining grated cheese, bake again until cooked. For 5 People
Kamis, 19 Mei 2011
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
Karomah saints
Man In Indonesia in particular are very happy if you read the story karomah saints, books on saints karomah sold like hotcakes. Even had a lot of people trying to get karomah caregiver, there is a learning martial arts, ngalap blessing the grave guardian, to pray and sacrifice to the caregiver. nah what exactly karomah, is it true karomah can be learned? The following explanation ..
Wrong assumption about the guardian:
1. Guardians must have kromah. always have the magic that can be used at any time at will he.
Many in the public perception that it must have a guardian real karomah could even be on view to the general public. Like hold the sword and so forth. But actually it was all a trick of Satan. A guardian may be given karomah he may not be obvious, but most large karomah on the guardian is istiqomah in running religious teachings, does not mean we deny the existence of karomah but deny that we are assuming a lot of people if he does not have karomah meant he was not guardian. Therefore, Abu 'Ali al Jurjaany advised: "Be thou not the claimant karomah istiqomah claimant, in fact you are more inclined to seek karomah, Lord and your Lord require of you istiqomah".
How many friends who are leading people in the ranks of the guardians do not have karomah. Similarly, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as a servant of the noblest in Allah's sight when he emigrated rather than riding a camel ride the wind, nor in battle armor he wore even had an injury at the time of the battle of Uhud. Karomah not as an absolute requirement for a guardian. Karomah God gives a person may be a temptation and a test for him, or to add confidence to the teachings of God, or the help of God against the person in distress.
The scholars mention someone who does not need to karomah better than the people who need to karomah. Even most scholars karomah salaf when they get it they grieve and not feel proud because they are afraid if it is istidraaj (deception). Similarly, they fear when in the Hereafter no longer receive a reply after they receive their practice time in the world in the form karomah. Similarly, if they were given karomah, they would not flaunt it or hide it be proud of themselves before others.
know, besides Allah any guardian is also the guardian syaithon!
syaiton guardian is the one who deceived the people, he gained a variety of strange ability for collaborating with syaiton, naudzubillah. karomah and magic because there is a difference:
an unusual occurrence that God bestowed on a servant without the recognition of (owner) as a prophet, has no specific preliminary form of prayers, readings, or special dhikr, which occurred in a righteous servant, whether he knew of (Karamah it) or not, in order to strengthen the slave and his religion. (Syarhu Ushulil I'tiqad, 9 / 15 and Al Aqidah Al Wasithiyah Syarhu, 2 / 298 works of Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah).
Karomah without studied, and can not be repeated and played as he pleased and can not be inherited or derived (as the science of inner power, metaphysical, et al).
advent of syaiton and can be learned, can be hereditary provided that meet the requirements syaiton tsb.
Is Everything Out Of Habit Called Karamah?
Something is happening out of habit, can be grouped into three:
- Miracles, occurred on the apostles and prophets.
- Karamah, occurs in the saints of God.
- Trick the devil, occurred in the guardian-the guardian demon.
(At Tanbihaatus Saniyyah things. 312-313).
So how to distinguish between Karamah and the cunning of Satan? Of course, by knowing the extent to which faith and devotion of each person who gets these incredible things, then it is true what the saying of Imam Shafi rohimahulloh.
Al-Imam Ash-Shafi'i-rahimahullah said, "When you see someone walking on water or fly through the air so do not believe it and fooled with it until you know how he is in following the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam." (Al Sunnah A'lamus Mansurah things. 193).
K.H. Hashim Al-Ash'ari-rahimahullah (founders of NU, NU) said, "Anyone who claims to be the guardian of God without following the Sunnah, then the confession was a lie." (Ad Durar Al Muntasirah, p.. 4).
2. Mayor mengatahui that GHOIB??!!
So wrong, a growing understanding in our society today, that the guardian was identical to scholars or clerics who have the magic and weird science. Although he was a lot of clerics who left the obligations of the Shari'a, a statement often harm and hurt Muslims, mengobok meddle with the Shari'a, even be a helper of God's enemies, the Jews and the Christians.
"On the side of Him (God) all the keys of the unseen, to know nothing except Him (Allah)." (Surat al-An'am, verse: 59). And the word of God, "Say": no one in heaven or on earth who can know the Unseen except Allah. " (Surat an Naml, verse: 65).
Including the prophets and apostles can not even know the Unseen except to the extent of what Allah revealed to Them. As word of God in our Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Say: I can not tell you that at my side warehouses sustenance of God, and I did not know the things unseen." (Qur'an
An'am, verse: 50). And the word of God: "Say: I do not have to benefit, nor myself (refused) harm, and if ever I knew the unseen surely I'll (get) so much goodness and badness will never be overwritten." (Qur'an
A'raaf, verse: 188). This false assumption has plunged many people kesyirikan streets, so they feel more afraid of the guardian of the fear of God, or ask and pray to the guardian of the dead that they call the Tawassul. Which in essence is kesyirikan alone. Because the request to the creature is shirk. It's no different with kesyirikan made by the Noah 'alaihis greetings. And the unbelievers of Quraish in the time of ignorance. With the same argument that they were the holy saints who will deliver a prayer They are in God. This is precisely what the
idolaters as mentioned God in his word: "Remember; belongs to God the sacred religion (from polytheism), and people take the guardian (protector), but Allah said: we do not worship them only that they bring us to God with close enough. " (Surah Az Zumar, verse: 3).
3. Excessive to the guardian
Guardian is not a real honor to pray at his grave, it is the act of the guardian's own hate for having menyekutukannya with God. Which is the higher honor of a saint in the sight of Allah with the honor of a prophet? Clearly the prophet is higher. Never ask the guardian to the prophet should not even pray. Never mind the moment after death in the lifetime of any prophet is not able to bring benefits for himself, let alone for others after death!. If that were true surely the friends will flock to the tomb prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when they drought or famine, or when attacked by the enemy. But the reality is the opposite, when famine occurred in Madinah, Umar bin Khaththab invites the Muslims to pray istikharah then told Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib prayed, because of its proximity to the Prophet, instead of 'Umar asked the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Because he lives in nature barzah can not be equated with life in the world.
Then another form of evil in a misleading way guardian-the guardian is to motivate someone to do good deeds-deeds heresy, as an example of a very mashur story is the story of Sunan Kalijaga, we do not know whether he was properly done or that didustakan story on his behalf, but we do not deny that he was a saint, that we look at is the story of his status as guardian away from the guidance of the Sunnah, that he meditated for forty days on the banks of a river and then at the end persemedian he get karomah. The first gaffe of this story is how he was performing prayers, if he had left the prayer means praying in congregation and the Friday prayers? is there any clue from the Prophet to seek karomah with persemedian like this? By neglecting the prayer or leave the prayer in congregation and the Friday prayers.
Many people assume if someone has or can do things that are considered extraordinary as guardian. Though not necessarily, maybe it is a trick or magic, demons and spirits for help after he did what was asked by the jinn and demons. As there are people who can fly or walk on water or hold a sword or can tell about something missing, therefore it matters more than everyone has similar things is how righteous deeds are deeds of everyday according to the Sunnah or not? Because the devil can bring someone to fly, or tell the guardian something not seen by others. As the Antichrist who will come at the end of the age have tremendous power. Similarly, the idolaters could hear the sound of the idols they worship, in case it is the voice of the devil. And so many wonderful events held by the people who lost so did the apostate and so on. All of which are on a trick of Satan.
As narrated in the story of a false prophet Mukhtar ibn Abi 'Ubayd, who claimed to be prophet. He admitted that he received revelation, and then someone says kepadaIbnu 'Umar and Ibn' Abbas: Mukhtar claimed real revelation sent down to him? Two friends are answered correctly, then one of They read the word of God: "Will you preach to whom I drop the devil? They descend on every liar is a lot of sins. " (Ash Syu'araa, verse: 221-222). And others read the word of God, "And verily, the demons were revealed to the trustee-trustee They are to argue." (Surat al-An'am, verse: 121).
Therefore, when someone gets his inspiration not directly measure the true believer until he is with the Qur'an and Sunnah. Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam mentioned in a hadith: "Verily in the child of Adam there are whisperings of Satan and the whisper of an angel". (Narrated by A t Tirmizy no. 2988).
Ad Daraany Abu Sulaiman said: "It may be conceived in my heart what is conceived in the hearts They (the people Sufi) so I did not receive it except with two witnesses of the Book and Sunnah."
Wrong assumption about the guardian:
1. Guardians must have kromah. always have the magic that can be used at any time at will he.
Many in the public perception that it must have a guardian real karomah could even be on view to the general public. Like hold the sword and so forth. But actually it was all a trick of Satan. A guardian may be given karomah he may not be obvious, but most large karomah on the guardian is istiqomah in running religious teachings, does not mean we deny the existence of karomah but deny that we are assuming a lot of people if he does not have karomah meant he was not guardian. Therefore, Abu 'Ali al Jurjaany advised: "Be thou not the claimant karomah istiqomah claimant, in fact you are more inclined to seek karomah, Lord and your Lord require of you istiqomah".
How many friends who are leading people in the ranks of the guardians do not have karomah. Similarly, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as a servant of the noblest in Allah's sight when he emigrated rather than riding a camel ride the wind, nor in battle armor he wore even had an injury at the time of the battle of Uhud. Karomah not as an absolute requirement for a guardian. Karomah God gives a person may be a temptation and a test for him, or to add confidence to the teachings of God, or the help of God against the person in distress.
The scholars mention someone who does not need to karomah better than the people who need to karomah. Even most scholars karomah salaf when they get it they grieve and not feel proud because they are afraid if it is istidraaj (deception). Similarly, they fear when in the Hereafter no longer receive a reply after they receive their practice time in the world in the form karomah. Similarly, if they were given karomah, they would not flaunt it or hide it be proud of themselves before others.
know, besides Allah any guardian is also the guardian syaithon!
syaiton guardian is the one who deceived the people, he gained a variety of strange ability for collaborating with syaiton, naudzubillah. karomah and magic because there is a difference:
an unusual occurrence that God bestowed on a servant without the recognition of (owner) as a prophet, has no specific preliminary form of prayers, readings, or special dhikr, which occurred in a righteous servant, whether he knew of (Karamah it) or not, in order to strengthen the slave and his religion. (Syarhu Ushulil I'tiqad, 9 / 15 and Al Aqidah Al Wasithiyah Syarhu, 2 / 298 works of Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah).
Karomah without studied, and can not be repeated and played as he pleased and can not be inherited or derived (as the science of inner power, metaphysical, et al).
advent of syaiton and can be learned, can be hereditary provided that meet the requirements syaiton tsb.
Is Everything Out Of Habit Called Karamah?
Something is happening out of habit, can be grouped into three:
- Miracles, occurred on the apostles and prophets.
- Karamah, occurs in the saints of God.
- Trick the devil, occurred in the guardian-the guardian demon.
(At Tanbihaatus Saniyyah things. 312-313).
So how to distinguish between Karamah and the cunning of Satan? Of course, by knowing the extent to which faith and devotion of each person who gets these incredible things, then it is true what the saying of Imam Shafi rohimahulloh.
Al-Imam Ash-Shafi'i-rahimahullah said, "When you see someone walking on water or fly through the air so do not believe it and fooled with it until you know how he is in following the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam." (Al Sunnah A'lamus Mansurah things. 193).
K.H. Hashim Al-Ash'ari-rahimahullah (founders of NU, NU) said, "Anyone who claims to be the guardian of God without following the Sunnah, then the confession was a lie." (Ad Durar Al Muntasirah, p.. 4).
2. Mayor mengatahui that GHOIB??!!
So wrong, a growing understanding in our society today, that the guardian was identical to scholars or clerics who have the magic and weird science. Although he was a lot of clerics who left the obligations of the Shari'a, a statement often harm and hurt Muslims, mengobok meddle with the Shari'a, even be a helper of God's enemies, the Jews and the Christians.
"On the side of Him (God) all the keys of the unseen, to know nothing except Him (Allah)." (Surat al-An'am, verse: 59). And the word of God, "Say": no one in heaven or on earth who can know the Unseen except Allah. " (Surat an Naml, verse: 65).
Including the prophets and apostles can not even know the Unseen except to the extent of what Allah revealed to Them. As word of God in our Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Say: I can not tell you that at my side warehouses sustenance of God, and I did not know the things unseen." (Qur'an
An'am, verse: 50). And the word of God: "Say: I do not have to benefit, nor myself (refused) harm, and if ever I knew the unseen surely I'll (get) so much goodness and badness will never be overwritten." (Qur'an
A'raaf, verse: 188). This false assumption has plunged many people kesyirikan streets, so they feel more afraid of the guardian of the fear of God, or ask and pray to the guardian of the dead that they call the Tawassul. Which in essence is kesyirikan alone. Because the request to the creature is shirk. It's no different with kesyirikan made by the Noah 'alaihis greetings. And the unbelievers of Quraish in the time of ignorance. With the same argument that they were the holy saints who will deliver a prayer They are in God. This is precisely what the
idolaters as mentioned God in his word: "Remember; belongs to God the sacred religion (from polytheism), and people take the guardian (protector), but Allah said: we do not worship them only that they bring us to God with close enough. " (Surah Az Zumar, verse: 3).
3. Excessive to the guardian
Guardian is not a real honor to pray at his grave, it is the act of the guardian's own hate for having menyekutukannya with God. Which is the higher honor of a saint in the sight of Allah with the honor of a prophet? Clearly the prophet is higher. Never ask the guardian to the prophet should not even pray. Never mind the moment after death in the lifetime of any prophet is not able to bring benefits for himself, let alone for others after death!. If that were true surely the friends will flock to the tomb prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when they drought or famine, or when attacked by the enemy. But the reality is the opposite, when famine occurred in Madinah, Umar bin Khaththab invites the Muslims to pray istikharah then told Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib prayed, because of its proximity to the Prophet, instead of 'Umar asked the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Because he lives in nature barzah can not be equated with life in the world.
Then another form of evil in a misleading way guardian-the guardian is to motivate someone to do good deeds-deeds heresy, as an example of a very mashur story is the story of Sunan Kalijaga, we do not know whether he was properly done or that didustakan story on his behalf, but we do not deny that he was a saint, that we look at is the story of his status as guardian away from the guidance of the Sunnah, that he meditated for forty days on the banks of a river and then at the end persemedian he get karomah. The first gaffe of this story is how he was performing prayers, if he had left the prayer means praying in congregation and the Friday prayers? is there any clue from the Prophet to seek karomah with persemedian like this? By neglecting the prayer or leave the prayer in congregation and the Friday prayers.
Many people assume if someone has or can do things that are considered extraordinary as guardian. Though not necessarily, maybe it is a trick or magic, demons and spirits for help after he did what was asked by the jinn and demons. As there are people who can fly or walk on water or hold a sword or can tell about something missing, therefore it matters more than everyone has similar things is how righteous deeds are deeds of everyday according to the Sunnah or not? Because the devil can bring someone to fly, or tell the guardian something not seen by others. As the Antichrist who will come at the end of the age have tremendous power. Similarly, the idolaters could hear the sound of the idols they worship, in case it is the voice of the devil. And so many wonderful events held by the people who lost so did the apostate and so on. All of which are on a trick of Satan.
As narrated in the story of a false prophet Mukhtar ibn Abi 'Ubayd, who claimed to be prophet. He admitted that he received revelation, and then someone says kepadaIbnu 'Umar and Ibn' Abbas: Mukhtar claimed real revelation sent down to him? Two friends are answered correctly, then one of They read the word of God: "Will you preach to whom I drop the devil? They descend on every liar is a lot of sins. " (Ash Syu'araa, verse: 221-222). And others read the word of God, "And verily, the demons were revealed to the trustee-trustee They are to argue." (Surat al-An'am, verse: 121).
Therefore, when someone gets his inspiration not directly measure the true believer until he is with the Qur'an and Sunnah. Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam mentioned in a hadith: "Verily in the child of Adam there are whisperings of Satan and the whisper of an angel". (Narrated by A t Tirmizy no. 2988).
Ad Daraany Abu Sulaiman said: "It may be conceived in my heart what is conceived in the hearts They (the people Sufi) so I did not receive it except with two witnesses of the Book and Sunnah."
Worship of the most loved y god
it was narrated from Abu Hurairah ra: Prophet once said,"you do not act that will save you from the fires of hell", they said," O Messenger of ALLAH even you yourself?" Prophet Muhammad said,"event i mysel, unless god protect me with love and mercy. therefore sepatut probably do a good deed, as sincerely as possible, wherever possible and pray to god in the morning and afternoon, with most of the night and be al-qashd (tasking the mid and melaksanakan nya permanently) because that's how you'll achieve (heaven)
it was narrated from 'A'ishah: someone asked the prophet,"is a charity (worship) of the most beloved of god?"prophet Muhammad said,"charity(worship) is done regulary even if a bit"
it was narrated from 'A'ishah: someone asked the prophet,"is a charity (worship) of the most beloved of god?"prophet Muhammad said,"charity(worship) is done regulary even if a bit"
primacy of duha prayer
Primacy of Duha in the Qur'an and Hadith
Filed under: Sharing Knowledge, Da'wah - talazoft @ 9:29 pm
In Surah Adh-swear by Allah Duha Duha time and at night: "By the time the sun rises sepenggalahan, and by the night when quiet." (Qur'an 93:1-2). Has it occurred to us why God Almighty to swear at the second time?. Some commentators argue that the second time was the most in prime time every day.
Companion Zaid bin Arqam ra when he saw people who were carrying out Duha prayer: "Remember, they actually have to know that prayer is more mainstream sa'at on the other. Indeed the Messenger of Allah said: "Prayer Duha it (shalatul awwabin) prayers of people back to God, after people started to forget and busy work, that is when the children began to heat up because camel berbaringnya place." (Muslim).
So how displeased God with a servant who like this, as His promise: "O ye who believe in Allah bertaqwalah
and look for roads that get closer to Him, and strive in His way, that you may prosper. (Surah 5:35).
Besides that Duha prayer is also to replace ketergadaian every member of our body to God, which we are obligated to pay as the words of the Prophet: "Every morning, every one of your joints have to (pay) sadhaqah; then each rosary is sadhaqah, every tahmid is sadhaqah , each tahlil is sadhaqah, every Takbir is sadhaqah, amar ma'ruf is sadhaqah, forbidding the is sadhaqah, but two should suffice raka'at Duha all these things "(Muslim).
But deeper than that again is the Duha prayer is one of the preferred practice Prophet and his companions (the sunnah), as recommended by him presented by Abu Hurairah ra: "My beloved Prophet made a will saying to me with a fast three days every month, two raka'at Duha and Witr before sleep "(Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud).
Even if do not worry if his community considers Duha prayer is obligatory, the Messenger of Allah would never leave him. The pious man, Awliya and scholars is to keep praying dhuhanya as said by Imam Syafei ': There is no reason for a believer not to pray Duha. " It is already clear because of a believer is very neat and industrious to draw closer to his Lord. "
"From Abu Huraerah ridliyallhu 'anhu, Rasulullah SAW said: At each joint there shadaqahnya, each rosary is a charity, every tahmid is a charity, every tahlil is a charity, every Takbir is a charity (bacaanya: Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, LAA ILAHA illallahu , ALLHU AKBAR), each amar ma'ruf nahyil munkar that charity. And enough is enough all by strengthening / perform two cycles Duha prayer "(Reported by Muslim - Dalilil Falihin Juz III, p. 627).
In the hadith qudsi mentioned that four cycles in the morning prayers, God will ensure and replenish all been blessed with blessings throughout the day, so bathinpun will feel peaceful no matter which undermines the challenges of life, because he had been aware of all that the ordinance of God: "O Children of Adam pay the duty for KU, which is four cycles of prayer in the morning, then I'll meet throughout your day (Hadith History of Imam Ahmad, Abu Ya'la).
With other lafadz reads: "O Children of Adam, bersembahyanglah to KU four cycles in the morning, I will mencukupimu throughout the day" (Reported by Ahmad from Abi Murrah).
Prayer after discharge Duha prayer taught by the Prophet Muhammad: "O Allah, that time is time Duha Duha (of) thy beauty is kencantikan (owned by) You, the beauty was the beauty (of) thy strength is the strength (of) thy power the power (of) thy, and that protection Your protection. O Allah, if rizqiku still above the sky, derive, and if it is on inside the earth, remove, if difficult, mudahkanlah, if unclean sanctify, if still far draw near, thanks to the time of Duha, majesty, beauty, strength and thy power, Pour us limpahkan all that thou hast thy servants that pious. "
Total raka'at Duha prayer can with 2,4,8 or 12 raka'at. And carried out in units of 2 raka'at once greeting. Prophet hadith related Duha prayer, among others: "Whoever prays Duha 12 rak, God will make her palace in heaven" (HR Tarmiji and Abu Majah). "Anyone who perform prayers with lasting Duha, his sins will be forgiven by God, even the sin of the sea foam." (HR Turmudzi). "Out of Umm Hani that the Prophet Muhammad pray Duha 8 cycles and greet every two cycles." (Abu Daud). "From Zayd ibn Arqam ra. Say, the Prophet SAW out to residents Quba and they're praying Duha '. He said, "Prayer awwabin (Duha ') ends up heat (noon)." (Reported by Ahmad Muslim and Tirmidhi).
That is the privilege and the primacy of Duha prayer, blessing the world give life to the perpetrators, diakherat any, on the Day of Resurrection, the man called by God to put in heaven, as His word in the hadith qudsi: "Surely in heaven, there is a door called a door Duha , then when it comes memanggillah doomsday (the call of God), where people are always working on my prayer to pray Duha? this is your door, then enter you into heaven with the grace of God. " (History of Abu Huraerah Thabrani).
Filed under: Sharing Knowledge, Da'wah - talazoft @ 9:29 pm
In Surah Adh-swear by Allah Duha Duha time and at night: "By the time the sun rises sepenggalahan, and by the night when quiet." (Qur'an 93:1-2). Has it occurred to us why God Almighty to swear at the second time?. Some commentators argue that the second time was the most in prime time every day.
Companion Zaid bin Arqam ra when he saw people who were carrying out Duha prayer: "Remember, they actually have to know that prayer is more mainstream sa'at on the other. Indeed the Messenger of Allah said: "Prayer Duha it (shalatul awwabin) prayers of people back to God, after people started to forget and busy work, that is when the children began to heat up because camel berbaringnya place." (Muslim).
So how displeased God with a servant who like this, as His promise: "O ye who believe in Allah bertaqwalah
and look for roads that get closer to Him, and strive in His way, that you may prosper. (Surah 5:35).
Besides that Duha prayer is also to replace ketergadaian every member of our body to God, which we are obligated to pay as the words of the Prophet: "Every morning, every one of your joints have to (pay) sadhaqah; then each rosary is sadhaqah, every tahmid is sadhaqah , each tahlil is sadhaqah, every Takbir is sadhaqah, amar ma'ruf is sadhaqah, forbidding the is sadhaqah, but two should suffice raka'at Duha all these things "(Muslim).
But deeper than that again is the Duha prayer is one of the preferred practice Prophet and his companions (the sunnah), as recommended by him presented by Abu Hurairah ra: "My beloved Prophet made a will saying to me with a fast three days every month, two raka'at Duha and Witr before sleep "(Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud).
Even if do not worry if his community considers Duha prayer is obligatory, the Messenger of Allah would never leave him. The pious man, Awliya and scholars is to keep praying dhuhanya as said by Imam Syafei ': There is no reason for a believer not to pray Duha. " It is already clear because of a believer is very neat and industrious to draw closer to his Lord. "
"From Abu Huraerah ridliyallhu 'anhu, Rasulullah SAW said: At each joint there shadaqahnya, each rosary is a charity, every tahmid is a charity, every tahlil is a charity, every Takbir is a charity (bacaanya: Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, LAA ILAHA illallahu , ALLHU AKBAR), each amar ma'ruf nahyil munkar that charity. And enough is enough all by strengthening / perform two cycles Duha prayer "(Reported by Muslim - Dalilil Falihin Juz III, p. 627).
In the hadith qudsi mentioned that four cycles in the morning prayers, God will ensure and replenish all been blessed with blessings throughout the day, so bathinpun will feel peaceful no matter which undermines the challenges of life, because he had been aware of all that the ordinance of God: "O Children of Adam pay the duty for KU, which is four cycles of prayer in the morning, then I'll meet throughout your day (Hadith History of Imam Ahmad, Abu Ya'la).
With other lafadz reads: "O Children of Adam, bersembahyanglah to KU four cycles in the morning, I will mencukupimu throughout the day" (Reported by Ahmad from Abi Murrah).
Prayer after discharge Duha prayer taught by the Prophet Muhammad: "O Allah, that time is time Duha Duha (of) thy beauty is kencantikan (owned by) You, the beauty was the beauty (of) thy strength is the strength (of) thy power the power (of) thy, and that protection Your protection. O Allah, if rizqiku still above the sky, derive, and if it is on inside the earth, remove, if difficult, mudahkanlah, if unclean sanctify, if still far draw near, thanks to the time of Duha, majesty, beauty, strength and thy power, Pour us limpahkan all that thou hast thy servants that pious. "
Total raka'at Duha prayer can with 2,4,8 or 12 raka'at. And carried out in units of 2 raka'at once greeting. Prophet hadith related Duha prayer, among others: "Whoever prays Duha 12 rak, God will make her palace in heaven" (HR Tarmiji and Abu Majah). "Anyone who perform prayers with lasting Duha, his sins will be forgiven by God, even the sin of the sea foam." (HR Turmudzi). "Out of Umm Hani that the Prophet Muhammad pray Duha 8 cycles and greet every two cycles." (Abu Daud). "From Zayd ibn Arqam ra. Say, the Prophet SAW out to residents Quba and they're praying Duha '. He said, "Prayer awwabin (Duha ') ends up heat (noon)." (Reported by Ahmad Muslim and Tirmidhi).
That is the privilege and the primacy of Duha prayer, blessing the world give life to the perpetrators, diakherat any, on the Day of Resurrection, the man called by God to put in heaven, as His word in the hadith qudsi: "Surely in heaven, there is a door called a door Duha , then when it comes memanggillah doomsday (the call of God), where people are always working on my prayer to pray Duha? this is your door, then enter you into heaven with the grace of God. " (History of Abu Huraerah Thabrani).
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011
Charity Worship The Most Beloved God
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah ra: Prophet once said, "you do not act that will save you from the fires of hell", they said, "O Messenger of Allah even you yourself?" Prophet Muhammad said, "even I myself, unless God protect me with love and mercy. Therefore sepatut probably do a good deed, as sincerely as possible, wherever possible and beribadahlah to God in the morning and afternoon, with most of the night and be al-qashd (taking the mid and melaksanakannnya permanently) because that's how you'll achieve (heaven). "
It was narrated from 'A'ishah: someone asked the Prophet, "is a charity (worship) of the most beloved of God?" Prophet Muhammad said, "charity (worship) is done regularly even if a bit"
Keeping the tongue and penis
Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd ra.: Holy Prophet once said, "anyone who can keep the tongue and cock, I guarantee you he will go to heaven"
Animal Bones and Dirt as Food Jin
narrated from Abu Hurairah ra. that once the Prophet carrying a pot of water to berwhudu and hunger. (when he [Abu Hurairah] followed him, the Prophet said, "Who is this?" he said, "I, Abu Hurayrah. " Holy Prophet said, "bring me a stone, not bone or animal dung. " Abu Huraira further said; then with the tip of my clothes I brought some stones and then go away. when you're done, I walked with him and said, "why (you told me not to bring), bone or animal dung?" the Prophet said, "the genie diet. "
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah ra: Prophet once said, "you do not act that will save you from the fires of hell", they said, "O Messenger of Allah even you yourself?" Prophet Muhammad said, "even I myself, unless God protect me with love and mercy. Therefore sepatut probably do a good deed, as sincerely as possible, wherever possible and beribadahlah to God in the morning and afternoon, with most of the night and be al-qashd (taking the mid and melaksanakannnya permanently) because that's how you'll achieve (heaven). "
It was narrated from 'A'ishah: someone asked the Prophet, "is a charity (worship) of the most beloved of God?" Prophet Muhammad said, "charity (worship) is done regularly even if a bit"
Keeping the tongue and penis
Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd ra.: Holy Prophet once said, "anyone who can keep the tongue and cock, I guarantee you he will go to heaven"
Animal Bones and Dirt as Food Jin
narrated from Abu Hurairah ra. that once the Prophet carrying a pot of water to berwhudu and hunger. (when he [Abu Hurairah] followed him, the Prophet said, "Who is this?" he said, "I, Abu Hurayrah. " Holy Prophet said, "bring me a stone, not bone or animal dung. " Abu Huraira further said; then with the tip of my clothes I brought some stones and then go away. when you're done, I walked with him and said, "why (you told me not to bring), bone or animal dung?" the Prophet said, "the genie diet. "
Prophet Idris a.s Joint angel Azrael
Prophet Idris a.s Joint angel Azrael
One time the Prophet Idris as has been visited by the angel Azrael and asked the Prophet Idris as saying: "Hi angel Azrael, you dantang this to take a life or to menziarah?." The word angel Azrael I came to menziarah with the permission of Allah. Prophet Idris said the angel Azrael: "Hi angel Azrael, I have needs and interests of you," said the angel Azrael "The interests of what it is?" Answer Prophet Idris' interests with you specifically that you may have to take my life and then God turned back so that I can worship God when I feel sakaratulmaut ". The word angel Azrael I will not revoke a person's life an angel gets the permission of Allah. So God gave revelation to the angel Azrael for his real revoke the Prophet Idris, then immediately the angel Azrael take a life of Prophet Idris as And the angel of death Azrael Prophet Idris crying while pleading to God that God will revive as the Prophet Idris
Then God granted the request of the Angel Azrael, the Prophet Idris back to life. The angel Azrael asked the Prophet Idris as. "Hey brother, what it feels like sakaratulmaut it?. Said the Prophet Idris as" Truly, I suppose sakaratulmaut sense of the living animal dilapah skin (skin removed during the life-life) and so it seemed a thousand times sakaratulmaut even more pain. "
Angel of Death said: "The fine and I carefully take a life like that forever." Then the Prophet Idris as saying more on the Angel of Death: "O Angel of Death, I no longer wishes to you specifically I want to see Hell so that I can worship God with earnest after seeing the shackles, chains and stinging people when jengking who is in Hell. " Said the Angel of Death "How can I go to Hell without the permission of Allah."
Mala God gave revelation to the Angel of Death with the words: "Go to Hell together as the Prophet Idris." Angel of Death went to Hell together Prophet Idris Idris then see all sorts seksaan created by God for His enemies in the form of shackles, ratai-chains than hell and when jengking and snakes with the fires are lit and the wood and water zakum very hot to drink by experts such hell. After returning again to the Prophet Idris said the Angel of Death. "Hi Angel of Death, I no longer desire dengamu namely I want to see heaven, so I can add to increase acts of worship," the Angel of Death said: "How can I be with you into the heaven without God's permission." So God gave permission to the Angel of Death to go out and stop near the door of heaven.
So the Prophet Idris sees in it seems a variety of delicious and huge palace more beautiful and some valuable gifts, as well as herbs and fruits of various colors and tastes berbeza-Beza. Prophet Idris said: "O my brother, I have felt the pain sakaratulmaut, I have seen Hell that includes a variety of fine and punishment of hell seksaan then ask you to God for God allow me to enter heaven and drinking water for the pain disappeared in tenggkorakku sakaratulmaut this and also avoid than seksaan Hell.
And the angel Azrael asked for permission to God and then allow it, then go meraka both heaven and went out into nature. Then the Prophet Idris entered again into heaven and placed under the principal timber seliparnya in heaven. So the Prophet Idris said to the angel Azrael "Angel of Death Hi, I selipar left behind in heaven under the main timber, then return me into heaven," then the Prophet Idris signed mahu kesyurga and not come out again from heaven. So cried the Angel Azrael for calling the Prophet Idris out of heaven. "Hi Idris, engaku out of heaven." So the Prophet Idris was not mahu out God Almighty has said, "Everyone Misti feel death's door, while I've felt sakaratulmaut. And Allah says another point:" Nobody among you sekelian unless they were entered (hell / heaven) is I never entered nerakan and God also said another point: "And it is not their issue." (Exit rather than heaven).
"Who would get me out of heaven" while God has given revelation to the angel of Death. "Leave him (Prophet Idris) See, I have decided he was in the days before that unlicensed real eternal he (the Prophet Idris) classified as experts and inhabitants of heaven."
And God spoke to his apostles about the story of Prophet Idris in his word that meant. "And remember ye the stories in the book of Prophet Idris axles and so on."
One time the Prophet Idris as has been visited by the angel Azrael and asked the Prophet Idris as saying: "Hi angel Azrael, you dantang this to take a life or to menziarah?." The word angel Azrael I came to menziarah with the permission of Allah. Prophet Idris said the angel Azrael: "Hi angel Azrael, I have needs and interests of you," said the angel Azrael "The interests of what it is?" Answer Prophet Idris' interests with you specifically that you may have to take my life and then God turned back so that I can worship God when I feel sakaratulmaut ". The word angel Azrael I will not revoke a person's life an angel gets the permission of Allah. So God gave revelation to the angel Azrael for his real revoke the Prophet Idris, then immediately the angel Azrael take a life of Prophet Idris as And the angel of death Azrael Prophet Idris crying while pleading to God that God will revive as the Prophet Idris
Then God granted the request of the Angel Azrael, the Prophet Idris back to life. The angel Azrael asked the Prophet Idris as. "Hey brother, what it feels like sakaratulmaut it?. Said the Prophet Idris as" Truly, I suppose sakaratulmaut sense of the living animal dilapah skin (skin removed during the life-life) and so it seemed a thousand times sakaratulmaut even more pain. "
Angel of Death said: "The fine and I carefully take a life like that forever." Then the Prophet Idris as saying more on the Angel of Death: "O Angel of Death, I no longer wishes to you specifically I want to see Hell so that I can worship God with earnest after seeing the shackles, chains and stinging people when jengking who is in Hell. " Said the Angel of Death "How can I go to Hell without the permission of Allah."
Mala God gave revelation to the Angel of Death with the words: "Go to Hell together as the Prophet Idris." Angel of Death went to Hell together Prophet Idris Idris then see all sorts seksaan created by God for His enemies in the form of shackles, ratai-chains than hell and when jengking and snakes with the fires are lit and the wood and water zakum very hot to drink by experts such hell. After returning again to the Prophet Idris said the Angel of Death. "Hi Angel of Death, I no longer desire dengamu namely I want to see heaven, so I can add to increase acts of worship," the Angel of Death said: "How can I be with you into the heaven without God's permission." So God gave permission to the Angel of Death to go out and stop near the door of heaven.
So the Prophet Idris sees in it seems a variety of delicious and huge palace more beautiful and some valuable gifts, as well as herbs and fruits of various colors and tastes berbeza-Beza. Prophet Idris said: "O my brother, I have felt the pain sakaratulmaut, I have seen Hell that includes a variety of fine and punishment of hell seksaan then ask you to God for God allow me to enter heaven and drinking water for the pain disappeared in tenggkorakku sakaratulmaut this and also avoid than seksaan Hell.
And the angel Azrael asked for permission to God and then allow it, then go meraka both heaven and went out into nature. Then the Prophet Idris entered again into heaven and placed under the principal timber seliparnya in heaven. So the Prophet Idris said to the angel Azrael "Angel of Death Hi, I selipar left behind in heaven under the main timber, then return me into heaven," then the Prophet Idris signed mahu kesyurga and not come out again from heaven. So cried the Angel Azrael for calling the Prophet Idris out of heaven. "Hi Idris, engaku out of heaven." So the Prophet Idris was not mahu out God Almighty has said, "Everyone Misti feel death's door, while I've felt sakaratulmaut. And Allah says another point:" Nobody among you sekelian unless they were entered (hell / heaven) is I never entered nerakan and God also said another point: "And it is not their issue." (Exit rather than heaven).
"Who would get me out of heaven" while God has given revelation to the angel of Death. "Leave him (Prophet Idris) See, I have decided he was in the days before that unlicensed real eternal he (the Prophet Idris) classified as experts and inhabitants of heaven."
And God spoke to his apostles about the story of Prophet Idris in his word that meant. "And remember ye the stories in the book of Prophet Idris axles and so on."
signs of doom
signs of doom
Instead Huzaifah bin Asid Al-Ghifari ra. said: "Come to our Prophet. and at that time we were talking. Then he said: "What do you talk about?". We said: "We're talking about qiamat day."
Then the Prophet. said: "It will not happen today so that you saw earlier qiamat ten kinds of signs." Then he mentioned it: "Smoke, Dajjal, the beast, the rising sun from the place of the sinking, falling Isa ibn Maryam, upon whom be peace, Gog and Ma'juj, earthquakes three times, once in the east, once in the west and the third in the Arabian Peninsula end once the fire is out of the country of Yemen that will drive people to their Mahsyar Padang. "
Description: Ten signs mentioned qiamat Prophet. in this tradition are signs qiamat big ones, will occur at the time almost qiamat arrival day. Ten signs it is:
Dukhan (smoke) that would come out and lead to diseases such as selsema among those who believe and will kill all infidels.
Antichrist who will bring great slander that will meragut faith, hinggakan busy people who would be deceived by his call.
Dabbah-border animal that comes out of the Mount Safa in Makkah who would talk again that free people do not believe in Allah swt.
The sun will rise from the place of sinking. So at that moment God Almighty. no longer accept the faith of the infidels and do not accept the repentance than the sinner.
The descent of Prophet Jesus, upon whom be peace to the surface of this earth. He will support the government of Imam Mahadi the sovereign at that time and he will break all crosses made oleb people Kristian and he is also that will kill the Antichrist.
The release of Gog and Ma'juj nation who will make mischief on the surface of this earth, namely when they triumphed through the wall made of iron mixed with copper which has been established by Zul Qarnain along with his assistants in the past.
Earthquakes in the East .. This could be referring to the earthquake in China, the tsunami in Aceh.
Earthquakes in the West. It may be that this will happen in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Latin American countries
Earthquakes in the Arabian Peninsula .. Possible cases of landslides in Egypt as the opening.
Big fire that will dispel the human headed to Padang Mahsyar. The fire will be started from the direction of the country of Yemen. (What's this nuclear danger?)
Instead Huzaifah bin Asid Al-Ghifari ra. said: "Come to our Prophet. and at that time we were talking. Then he said: "What do you talk about?". We said: "We're talking about qiamat day."
Then the Prophet. said: "It will not happen today so that you saw earlier qiamat ten kinds of signs." Then he mentioned it: "Smoke, Dajjal, the beast, the rising sun from the place of the sinking, falling Isa ibn Maryam, upon whom be peace, Gog and Ma'juj, earthquakes three times, once in the east, once in the west and the third in the Arabian Peninsula end once the fire is out of the country of Yemen that will drive people to their Mahsyar Padang. "
Description: Ten signs mentioned qiamat Prophet. in this tradition are signs qiamat big ones, will occur at the time almost qiamat arrival day. Ten signs it is:
Dukhan (smoke) that would come out and lead to diseases such as selsema among those who believe and will kill all infidels.
Antichrist who will bring great slander that will meragut faith, hinggakan busy people who would be deceived by his call.
Dabbah-border animal that comes out of the Mount Safa in Makkah who would talk again that free people do not believe in Allah swt.
The sun will rise from the place of sinking. So at that moment God Almighty. no longer accept the faith of the infidels and do not accept the repentance than the sinner.
The descent of Prophet Jesus, upon whom be peace to the surface of this earth. He will support the government of Imam Mahadi the sovereign at that time and he will break all crosses made oleb people Kristian and he is also that will kill the Antichrist.
The release of Gog and Ma'juj nation who will make mischief on the surface of this earth, namely when they triumphed through the wall made of iron mixed with copper which has been established by Zul Qarnain along with his assistants in the past.
Earthquakes in the East .. This could be referring to the earthquake in China, the tsunami in Aceh.
Earthquakes in the West. It may be that this will happen in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Latin American countries
Earthquakes in the Arabian Peninsula .. Possible cases of landslides in Egypt as the opening.
Big fire that will dispel the human headed to Padang Mahsyar. The fire will be started from the direction of the country of Yemen. (What's this nuclear danger?)
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
EXERCISE latihan bahasa inggris
Fill in the blanks with the right form of causative have, and choose the right form of verb given in the brakets. (isilah dengan bentuk causative have yang benar, dan pilih salah satu bentuk verb yang benar yang diberikan di dalam kurung)
1. We_had_____ our treasury ___buy___ our new books yesterday. (buy / buys / bought / to buy)
2. She ___has____ her mom _cook____ dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3. He _had____his brother _do____ his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4. Tom __is having___ Bill ___writing___ the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5. Mike __has____ Jenni __save_____ his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6. Bob ____has____ his packages _____delivered______ by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / delivered / delivery)
7. Eddy had_______his data ______changed_____by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8. Marie ____is having______ her house _______painted___ by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9. Jonny __has________ his car ____parked______ by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10. They _____are having____ their maid ___cleaning______ their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)
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