Man In Indonesia in particular are very happy if you read the story karomah saints, books on saints karomah sold like hotcakes. Even had a lot of people trying to get karomah caregiver, there is a learning martial arts, ngalap blessing the grave guardian, to pray and sacrifice to the caregiver. nah what exactly karomah, is it true karomah can be learned? The following explanation ..
Wrong assumption about the guardian:
1. Guardians must have kromah. always have the magic that can be used at any time at will he.
Many in the public perception that it must have a guardian real karomah could even be on view to the general public. Like hold the sword and so forth. But actually it was all a trick of Satan. A guardian may be given karomah he may not be obvious, but most large karomah on the guardian is istiqomah in running religious teachings, does not mean we deny the existence of karomah but deny that we are assuming a lot of people if he does not have karomah meant he was not guardian. Therefore, Abu 'Ali al Jurjaany advised: "Be thou not the claimant karomah istiqomah claimant, in fact you are more inclined to seek karomah, Lord and your Lord require of you istiqomah".
How many friends who are leading people in the ranks of the guardians do not have karomah. Similarly, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as a servant of the noblest in Allah's sight when he emigrated rather than riding a camel ride the wind, nor in battle armor he wore even had an injury at the time of the battle of Uhud. Karomah not as an absolute requirement for a guardian. Karomah God gives a person may be a temptation and a test for him, or to add confidence to the teachings of God, or the help of God against the person in distress.
The scholars mention someone who does not need to karomah better than the people who need to karomah. Even most scholars karomah salaf when they get it they grieve and not feel proud because they are afraid if it is istidraaj (deception). Similarly, they fear when in the Hereafter no longer receive a reply after they receive their practice time in the world in the form karomah. Similarly, if they were given karomah, they would not flaunt it or hide it be proud of themselves before others.
know, besides Allah any guardian is also the guardian syaithon!
syaiton guardian is the one who deceived the people, he gained a variety of strange ability for collaborating with syaiton, naudzubillah. karomah and magic because there is a difference:
an unusual occurrence that God bestowed on a servant without the recognition of (owner) as a prophet, has no specific preliminary form of prayers, readings, or special dhikr, which occurred in a righteous servant, whether he knew of (Karamah it) or not, in order to strengthen the slave and his religion. (Syarhu Ushulil I'tiqad, 9 / 15 and Al Aqidah Al Wasithiyah Syarhu, 2 / 298 works of Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah).
Karomah without studied, and can not be repeated and played as he pleased and can not be inherited or derived (as the science of inner power, metaphysical, et al).
advent of syaiton and can be learned, can be hereditary provided that meet the requirements syaiton tsb.
Is Everything Out Of Habit Called Karamah?
Something is happening out of habit, can be grouped into three:
- Miracles, occurred on the apostles and prophets.
- Karamah, occurs in the saints of God.
- Trick the devil, occurred in the guardian-the guardian demon.
(At Tanbihaatus Saniyyah things. 312-313).
So how to distinguish between Karamah and the cunning of Satan? Of course, by knowing the extent to which faith and devotion of each person who gets these incredible things, then it is true what the saying of Imam Shafi rohimahulloh.
Al-Imam Ash-Shafi'i-rahimahullah said, "When you see someone walking on water or fly through the air so do not believe it and fooled with it until you know how he is in following the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam." (Al Sunnah A'lamus Mansurah things. 193).
K.H. Hashim Al-Ash'ari-rahimahullah (founders of NU, NU) said, "Anyone who claims to be the guardian of God without following the Sunnah, then the confession was a lie." (Ad Durar Al Muntasirah, p.. 4).
2. Mayor mengatahui that GHOIB??!!
So wrong, a growing understanding in our society today, that the guardian was identical to scholars or clerics who have the magic and weird science. Although he was a lot of clerics who left the obligations of the Shari'a, a statement often harm and hurt Muslims, mengobok meddle with the Shari'a, even be a helper of God's enemies, the Jews and the Christians.
"On the side of Him (God) all the keys of the unseen, to know nothing except Him (Allah)." (Surat al-An'am, verse: 59). And the word of God, "Say": no one in heaven or on earth who can know the Unseen except Allah. " (Surat an Naml, verse: 65).
Including the prophets and apostles can not even know the Unseen except to the extent of what Allah revealed to Them. As word of God in our Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Say: I can not tell you that at my side warehouses sustenance of God, and I did not know the things unseen." (Qur'an
An'am, verse: 50). And the word of God: "Say: I do not have to benefit, nor myself (refused) harm, and if ever I knew the unseen surely I'll (get) so much goodness and badness will never be overwritten." (Qur'an
A'raaf, verse: 188). This false assumption has plunged many people kesyirikan streets, so they feel more afraid of the guardian of the fear of God, or ask and pray to the guardian of the dead that they call the Tawassul. Which in essence is kesyirikan alone. Because the request to the creature is shirk. It's no different with kesyirikan made by the Noah 'alaihis greetings. And the unbelievers of Quraish in the time of ignorance. With the same argument that they were the holy saints who will deliver a prayer They are in God. This is precisely what the
idolaters as mentioned God in his word: "Remember; belongs to God the sacred religion (from polytheism), and people take the guardian (protector), but Allah said: we do not worship them only that they bring us to God with close enough. " (Surah Az Zumar, verse: 3).
3. Excessive to the guardian
Guardian is not a real honor to pray at his grave, it is the act of the guardian's own hate for having menyekutukannya with God. Which is the higher honor of a saint in the sight of Allah with the honor of a prophet? Clearly the prophet is higher. Never ask the guardian to the prophet should not even pray. Never mind the moment after death in the lifetime of any prophet is not able to bring benefits for himself, let alone for others after death!. If that were true surely the friends will flock to the tomb prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when they drought or famine, or when attacked by the enemy. But the reality is the opposite, when famine occurred in Madinah, Umar bin Khaththab invites the Muslims to pray istikharah then told Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib prayed, because of its proximity to the Prophet, instead of 'Umar asked the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Because he lives in nature barzah can not be equated with life in the world.
Then another form of evil in a misleading way guardian-the guardian is to motivate someone to do good deeds-deeds heresy, as an example of a very mashur story is the story of Sunan Kalijaga, we do not know whether he was properly done or that didustakan story on his behalf, but we do not deny that he was a saint, that we look at is the story of his status as guardian away from the guidance of the Sunnah, that he meditated for forty days on the banks of a river and then at the end persemedian he get karomah. The first gaffe of this story is how he was performing prayers, if he had left the prayer means praying in congregation and the Friday prayers? is there any clue from the Prophet to seek karomah with persemedian like this? By neglecting the prayer or leave the prayer in congregation and the Friday prayers.
Many people assume if someone has or can do things that are considered extraordinary as guardian. Though not necessarily, maybe it is a trick or magic, demons and spirits for help after he did what was asked by the jinn and demons. As there are people who can fly or walk on water or hold a sword or can tell about something missing, therefore it matters more than everyone has similar things is how righteous deeds are deeds of everyday according to the Sunnah or not? Because the devil can bring someone to fly, or tell the guardian something not seen by others. As the Antichrist who will come at the end of the age have tremendous power. Similarly, the idolaters could hear the sound of the idols they worship, in case it is the voice of the devil. And so many wonderful events held by the people who lost so did the apostate and so on. All of which are on a trick of Satan.
As narrated in the story of a false prophet Mukhtar ibn Abi 'Ubayd, who claimed to be prophet. He admitted that he received revelation, and then someone says kepadaIbnu 'Umar and Ibn' Abbas: Mukhtar claimed real revelation sent down to him? Two friends are answered correctly, then one of They read the word of God: "Will you preach to whom I drop the devil? They descend on every liar is a lot of sins. " (Ash Syu'araa, verse: 221-222). And others read the word of God, "And verily, the demons were revealed to the trustee-trustee They are to argue." (Surat al-An'am, verse: 121).
Therefore, when someone gets his inspiration not directly measure the true believer until he is with the Qur'an and Sunnah. Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam mentioned in a hadith: "Verily in the child of Adam there are whisperings of Satan and the whisper of an angel". (Narrated by A t Tirmizy no. 2988).
Ad Daraany Abu Sulaiman said: "It may be conceived in my heart what is conceived in the hearts They (the people Sufi) so I did not receive it except with two witnesses of the Book and Sunnah."